What will today bring ?

Every day bring us a new challange in one way or another even if we dont relize it each day i try to be posative, helpfull and not moan as much as the prevoius day but working with the public can put a lot of strain on this theory so try to do to others what you can expect of them and it might just all work out nicely .if not just count to 10...........or in my case a 110 !!!

Friday, 21 March 2014

Dougie the dogs

I found this pattern and fell in love with it I really like knitting toys there so much fun.

The first doggie I did to the tension the pattern stated and it came out well however when in the past I have knitted toys it normally states that you go down at least two kneedle sizes to make the material dense so to hide the stuffing from showing threw but I ignored that and carried on with the pattern he came out quiet well and now sits proudly on martyn desk at work 

So when my friend at knit club asked if I would make her one for her friend I decided too scale him down just followed the pattern exactly the same but the second chap was much sturdy and he looks great to 

Thursday, 6 March 2014




Well spring is on it's was hopefully it's bin non stop rain and we all have has enuff the garden is a mud bath and the lawn is knee high but the weather is on the change and soon we can get out there and star tidying up.

So to cheer myself up I found these lovely primrose pots in aldi half price I've dead headed them and fed them and there blooming lovely can't wait for the summer to come