What will today bring ?

Every day bring us a new challange in one way or another even if we dont relize it each day i try to be posative, helpfull and not moan as much as the prevoius day but working with the public can put a lot of strain on this theory so try to do to others what you can expect of them and it might just all work out nicely .if not just count to 10...........or in my case a 110 !!!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Flowers for Rosie

This last week I ave been learning to crochet and I can say that I'm well and truly hooked lol.

One of our fellow knitters from our group at mrs T's is not well and going through a hard time battling cancer she's a wounderfull kid only 13 yrs old and always a big smile on her face she puts us all to shame so we are raising money for her and the children's hospice in brum by making flowers broches to sell in the shop the girls at knitting are doing a great job and Michelle taught me how to do a flower and they have turnd out great I'm so chuffed I'm now looking to take on a bigger project use ing more flowers 

Theses are doubled layers ones 

This is a rose 

And these are my Daisy's  it's all good fun 
 Now theses are the bigger projects I'd like to try