After hours and hours of trying to to link my blog to face book I have given up and feel so defeated.
I thought I was getting "down with this techno stuff" after treating myself to my new mini iPad and learning to do all sorts of thing I was really chuffed and as my sister mocked soon I will be the head of ICI lol!
But this was not going to beet me,after being awake since 6 this morning I finally given up.lotty said to me what's up mum as I began to explain to her (the long winded version) she look at me with that face as if to say "what you going on about mother" she graped my iPad tapped tapped a few times and then threw it back at me! "Here you go"
In 4mimuets or more she manage to do what I have been trying to do for days oh to be young hey
Thanks a bunch Lotty
We'll Jac I think it will be a little while longer till I'm the CO of ICI I've just got to crack the techno bit first