What will today bring ?

Every day bring us a new challange in one way or another even if we dont relize it each day i try to be posative, helpfull and not moan as much as the prevoius day but working with the public can put a lot of strain on this theory so try to do to others what you can expect of them and it might just all work out nicely .if not just count to 10...........or in my case a 110 !!!

Monday, 11 April 2011

Time flyes

Where dose the time go ..................it seams ages since i wrote on my blog such a lot has gone on i just haven't had time ....
but i still have found the time to knit .

I have finished three project but still have not resisted to cast on more ....lol the yellow short sleeve cardi has turned out lovely and I'm very pleased with it and will go smashing with my flowered dress for the summer the blue Cotton long sleeve jacket was a bit of a pain when it came to the decreasing as all lace patterns can be , but i got there in the end and cant wait for the warmer weather to wear it  hope to get pics up soon.