What will today bring ?

Every day bring us a new challange in one way or another even if we dont relize it each day i try to be posative, helpfull and not moan as much as the prevoius day but working with the public can put a lot of strain on this theory so try to do to others what you can expect of them and it might just all work out nicely .if not just count to 10...........or in my case a 110 !!!

Monday, 25 January 2010

where does all the time go ???

Well it has been a while folks since my last confession ....................ha ha ....have you missed me well i managed to get all my Christmas presents finished wrapped and there recipients all seamed very happy with them on Christmas day ...........and what with all this snow that we had well what a brilliant pressey than an hand knitted jumper or cardigan.

when i saw my mother in laws face as the others opened the hand knitted garments her face was a picture it lite up the room, so now I'm on a mission to knit her a lovely cardigan for mothers day.
Over the Christmas period i discovered the wounder full tool of a circular needled ...............well I'm hooked its hats all round i think I'm on about number 5..........but its so easy to do when your watching the TV.
I have still to attempt to start my sock pattern yet ................... i keep putting it off but i promise by the year is out i will have knitted them .....so until then i say cheerio and ........happy knitting